Angela Meyer
Highly respected and well known amoung both the blogging and literary communites in Australia and over seas, Angela grew up in Coffs Harbour on the North Coast of NSW. Her blog "LiteraryMinded" was picked up by the Crikey network and is now read regularly by thosands of people. She runs blogging workshops for students and still goes home to Coffs Harbour when her busy schedule allows.
This is what she had to say about URS-
"I began LiteraryMinded when I was living in Coffs Harbour. Not many of my friends were as passionate about books as I was so the blog allowed me to have conversations with people all over Australia and the world about literature. I've since met up with people I got to know through the blog and become friends with them - from Brisbane, to Melbourne, to London and Berlin! I've taught blogging workshops around regional Victoria with Express Media and it's been a great experience meeting people and giving them the tools to tell their stories. I've met farmers, council workers, teenagers with mental health issues, single parents, aid workers, small business owners... The only thing I will say is that it can take time to connect with others, but if you write or share pictures, be yourself, be enthusiastic and genuine and interact with other people's blogs, you'll draw readers and make connections."
West Australia Department of Education
The WA Department of Education have this to say about blogging in Education-
"Blogs provide a communication space that teachers can utilise with students whenever there is a curriculum need to develop writing, share ideas and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom...from an education perspective the availability and ease of use of blogging software makes creating blogs a viable classroom activity."